Bruno Tomás

Bruno C. TOMÁS currently serves as theChief Technology Officer (CTO) for the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA), wherehe oversees technology strategy and collaborative working groups dedicated toadvancing wireless technologies (Next Gen Wi-Fi, 6G, IoT) and services(OpenRoaming, Cloud, CyberSecurity, AI-Data, Interoperability).
Since joining WBA, Bruno has played apivotal role in driving seamless wireless roaming deployments, spearheadingsome of the world’s pioneering successes in this domain. His collaborativeefforts have extended across key global markets including working closely withpartners the United States, Mexico, Brazil, China, Singapore, Thailand,Indonesia, Spain, Germany, UK, and India.
Bruno commenced his career at PortugalTelecom / Altice, initially as a network engineer and later transitioning to aninnovation consultant role. In this capacity, he conducted strategic analysesand fostered new business development initiatives focused on medium tolong-term technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT). He also managedexternal engagement and standardization activities with prominent bodies suchas ETSI, ITU, and the European Commission.
He holds a BSc in ElectricalEngineering & Computer Science as well as an MSc in Telecom Networks fromthe Technical University of Lisbon (IST). Additionally, he undertook programmanagement courses and is PMP certified. Prior to entering the industry, hecontributed to research efforts at the Telecommunications Institute,specializing in wireless and UHDVideo technologies.